Poultry Exhibitors Information

Registration Deadline is July 1st! (including Exhibits and displays)

Pullorum Testing Clinic: July 13 – 9:00 am-noon

Exhibitor Poultry Set Up Date is Saturday, Aug. 3rd at 9 a..m.  The more people, the less time it takes!


  • Appropriate food and water dishes. These will NOT be provided by the barn, so bring as many as you need for ALL your pens, including turkeys.
  • Something to secure the feeders to the cage.
  • Drug disclaimer filled out.
  • Pullorum test result form
  • Bring your food in a plastic bucket with lid or some type of plastic container with lid.
  • Coop tags filled out
  • It helps to have supplies to clean out the cage such as a dust pan and little whisk broom

ENTRY DAY:  Health Check 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. (must be checked into barn by 1 p.m.)

  • Birds must go through vet check and receive approval BEFORE being placed in cages!
  • Make sure all paper work is in order. (Drug disclaimer and pullorum test results papers)
  • Make sure coop tags are filled out properly. With all information filled in. Market turkeys and chickens need the cage number, leg band numbers and weight of birds filled in the coop tags.  It must be filled in before going to the entry office.
  • Put bedding in cages.
  • Place food and water in cages and secure them to inside of cage.
  • Store food and cleaning supplies under the cages.
  • Have a barn volunteer check your cages and stamp entry sheet before you go to entry office. Otherwise the office help will send you back to the barn.
  • You don’t need a BCYF entry tag. We use coop tags in the barn on all cages.  Make sure they are in your cages at all times.  If they get eaten by your birds get another one from Superintendents and fill it out and replace the old one.
  • Must go to Entry Office to verify entries before 2:00 p.m.!!

 EXHIBITOR MEETING w/parents – Monday at 10 a.m. or 4 p.m.  Required!


  • Clean and water your birds daily. Any exhibitor failing to keep their cages clean will fall under the 3 Strike Rule (see page 12 of fairbook). On judging day clean first thing in the morning.  If it’s hot make sure your birds have water.
  • All dirty bedding needs to be dumped in the manure boxes in the back of the barn. Don’t throw it in the grass or in the trash cans.  It’s also your responsibility to help out in the barn.  Take time to clean up your area and put things away.
  • We can’t stress enough how important it is to keep your birds watered when it’s hot.


  • Wash birds the day before judging – not ON judging day.
  • Do not uplug fans to use the outlets.
  • Clean up after yourself – throw away trash, put away all towels, tubs, etc.
  • Keep cages clean. That will help keep your birds clean.
  • Pull food only the night before judging. It helps keep them clean.  After judging is over you can give them food.


  • Tuesday’s judging starts at 9:00 am with showmanship under the tent and market turkeys in the barn. Market chickens will begin after showmanship concludes.
  • Wednesday’s judging starts at 9:00 am
  • Listen for your class to be called.
  • Don’t bother the clerks at judging tables.
  • Pay attention to what is going on in the barn.
  • If it’s hot the day of judging, stand by your cage, but don’t hold your bird or birds in a long line waiting to be judged. We will call you up a few at a time.
  • Parents aren’t allowed to be at the judging table with you. We will find someone to help those who need it.
  • You must be present during judging of champion classes to be eligible to win.


  • The auction starts at 9:30 am on Thursday. Rabbits are first followed by Grand Champion Eggs, then Turkeys, and then Chickens.
  • Have clean birds.
  • Stay in the barn, you will be called to the auction tent.  You do not need to transport your birds to the tent unless you wish to.  We will have birds in the tent for exhibition purposes.  But, YOU must be present when called in order to auction.
  • There are Thank You posters that are to be used. Dress them up and make them personal for your buyers.  Put them up right after the auction.


  • Birds will be released starting at 7 a.m. to 9 a.m.
  • They must be out of the barn by 9:00 am.  Otherwise they will become the property of the barn.
  • Have the proper papers if you are taking home market birds for your buyers.
  • Make sure that you take everything that belongs to you.  If you leave anything it becomes the property of the poultry barn.
  • Please stay and help clean up Poultry Shelter, the more hands, the quicker it goes!

Premium Checks:  Checks may be picked up on Saturday of fair at the Entry Office from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. or Sunday from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.  They can be cashed at either of these times also.