Equine Exhibitors Information
Equine verification is this Tues and Wed if you did not verify at the show on July 20 & 21! 9 – 4 at fair office!
Equine Entry deadline is June 1st
Paper entry only. Only use 2020 or newer Equine forms! May be picked up at the Fair Office or download form here. Drop off at fair office between 9 and 4 or drop box in front of office after hours. Or can be mailed.
(A) An Exhibitor is allowed to exhibit only the Equine which is registered in his/her name. An equine may only be shown by one exhibitor. Exception: Draft Team Driving Class (see Driving Rules) and Walk only Exhibitors, 5 & 6 year olds, may show an equine that is being exhibited by another exhibitor and are only allowed to exhibit in Walk only Showmanship and Horsemanship/Equitation and must be qualified with the equine being shown.
(B) Exhibitor may register four (4) equine, but may bring only two (2) to the fair. Backup animal may be listed as a backup equine on entry sheet of more than one exhibitor.
(C) Registered animals may only show in registered classes.
(D) If exhibitor has a registered Equine, the Equine’s registered name must be used on all forms.
(E) Exhibitors are allowed one (1) showmanship class (which is strongly recommended) and one (1) halter class per equine and may enter seven (7) performance classes, such as: horsemanship, equitation, trail, pleasure, reining, pleasure driving, dressage, jumping and gymkhana, or any combination of these. Exhibitors who enter and are judged in their Showmanship class will be allowed an additional performance class for a total of ten (10) classes. If the exhibitor has a second equine he/she will be allowed to show in one (1) Showmanship class, one (1) halter class and six (6) performance classes. If the exhibitor enters and is judged in the showmanship class, he/she will be allowed an additional performance class for a total of 9.
(F) Classes for ALL equine must be listed on the entry form, including back-up animals. Proper Equine must be designated for each class.
(G) Walk/Trot exhibitors may exhibit only in the walk- trot classes. They may also enter driving, walk/trot Trail and Walk/trot Dressage.
(H) Exhibitor is responsible for having equine entered in the correct class, NO changes after verification.
(I) Pre-qualification. All first time exhibitor/equine combination (includes all riding and driving classes) and first time walk/trot/canter exhibitors are required to pre-qualify with their equine to be eligible to show at the fair. See Qualification schedule in handbook.
(J) All exhibitors must verify their entries (check book for dates) If you do not verify at this time you will not be allowed to bring your horses to the fair.
All Equine to be exhibited at the Fair during Fair week are required to have an influenza vaccination and EHV/Rhino vaccination and any other State mandated vaccinations/shots. It is highly suggested, but not mandatory to give the Rabies vaccine too, all shots are required to be administered by a licensed veterinarian between Jan 1st of current year and four (4) weeks prior to entry day of Fair. (Proof of a negative Coggins test per State Regulations, is also required and you will need to turn in a hard colored copy (or a colored picture with it if Coggins doesn’t have one) at the equine entry when you check in. All out of state Equine must provide Health Certification papers signed by a Veterinarian. Proof of all must be presented at Health check before unloading animals.
Entry Day:
All animals must go through health check at Gate 3 (Shawnee Rd.) between 7 am and
noon, then proceed to your assigned barn or tent. Equine with clinical signs of
infectious, contagious, or toxicological disease and/or Health issues per Veterinarian observation (Body Scoring) shall be removed from the fair grounds at the discretion of the Animal Health Chairman or State Veterinarian/Representative.
See page 14 of Exhibior Handbook for link for body scoring guidelines.
No sheets, slinkys or other coverings are allowed on horses entering health check. Leg wraps are permitted. After unloading and checking in, you must go to Equine Entry office (located in the Horse complex) and complete registration and receive week pass. This must be done before 12:00 noon.
Fair week:
Stalls are expected to be cleaned daily, before 10:00 am. Exhibitors failing to clean their
stall will fall under the 3 Strike Rule (see page 12 of fair book).
Check ring schedules for class judging.
Stalls must be clean before departure Sunday morning, at the conclusion of the fair.
Release of Equine: No Equine will be released until Sunday starting at 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. you may start lining up at 6 a.m.
Premium checks may be picked up at the Entry Office (not Equine entry office) on Sunday from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. They may be cashed at this time also! If you have entries other than Equine, you can pick up that check on Saturday, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Most importantly, Have fun!